Economic Resilience | Equitable Access | Career Advancement
The LCU Fund envisions a future where women are empowered to achieve their full potential through higher education. By strategically investing in women's potential, the Fund advances the following:
Economic Resilience
The LCU Fund creates pathways for women to pursue intergenerational wealth and break the poverty cycle.
Equitable Access
The LCU Fund actively combats inequity by leveling the playing field to college access for women driven towards positive social impact.
Career Advancement
The LCU Fund offsets the costs of specialization to unlock the full potential for women's economic parity through equitable workforce development.
By Mail
Make your check out to the LCU Fund for Women’s Education and mail it to us at the address below.
LCU Fund for Women’s Education
244 5th Avenue, Suite 200
New York, NY 10001
Gift Acceptance Policy
The LCU Fund for Women’s Education (LCU Fund) solicits and accepts gifts that are consistent with its mission of providing housing support to promising women scholars preparing for careers that give back to the community. The LCU Fund accepts donations of cash or publicly traded securities. Gifts of in-kind services may be accepted at the discretion of the LCU Fund. Certain other gifts, real property, personal property, in-kind gifts, non-liquid securities, and contributions whose sources are not transparent or whose use is restricted in some manner, must be reviewed by the Executive Committee and if recommended, presented to the full Board of Directors prior to acceptance due to the special obligations raised or liabilities they may pose for the LCU Fund.
Gifts donated with the intent of establishing specific endowments, scholarships, or other naming opportunities should be valued at a minimum of $100,000. Endowment restrictions must be reasonable and approved by the LCU Fund Board of Directors. For investment purposes, named and/or restricted gifts will be included in the LCU Fund’s investment portfolio and accounted for separately. The LCU Fund makes every effort to respect the intent of the donor relating to gifts for restricted purposes and those relating to the desire to remain anonymous. As it relates to anonymous gifts, the LCU Fund will restrict information about the donor to only those staff persons and Board members with a need to know.
The LCU Fund does not provide advice about the tax or other treatment of gifts and encourages donors to seek guidance from their own professional advisors to assist them in the process of making their gift.
The LCU Fund provides acknowledgments to donors meeting IRS substantiation requirements for property received by the organization, including a description of the gift and date received. The donor is responsible for determining the appraised value of non-cash gifts for tax purposes.
The LCU Fund does not compensate, whether through commissions, finders’ fees, or other means, any third party for directing a gift or a donor to the LCU Fund. Any legal fees incurred by LCU to accept a gift that is other than cash or publicly traded securities will be the responsibility of the donor.
A note about Planned Giving: Leaving a gift to the LCU Fund for Women’s Education in your will or trust is a great way to invest in future generations of LCU Scholars!
Your gift costs you nothing now but allows you to have a significant and lasting impact. You retain control of your assets during your lifetime and, if your circumstances change, you can modify the gift. Moreover, your gift may provide tax savings or help reduce the tax burden for your heirs. Gifts may be named or made anonymously and can be in honor or memory of loved ones.
Preparing or updating a will is a wonderful way to reflect the values that have guided your life. When deciding how you would like your assets distributed, you can take care of family and loved ones first, while also supporting the causes close to your heart. Many people are surprised by how easy it is to make a gift in their will. You can designate a specific dollar amount, a particular asset, or a percentage of your estate for the unrestricted charitable use and purpose of the LCU Fund for Women’s Education.
With a gift that costs you nothing now, you can forever be remembered as someone who believed in the promise and power of LCU Scholars. Their success benefits all of us!
A note about Donor Advised Funds: While the LCU Fund is a non-profit (501C3), we are not a public charity. Rather, the LCU Fund is a private, grantmaking foundation. This distinction simply means that the LCU Fund makes grants to charitable organizations (i.e. schools) as opposed to funding our own programs. Because of this categorization, contributions made by donor advised funds (DAFS) may not be allowable. Please check with your fund provider regarding their policy.
Join in the mission to aid women who are determined to complete their education and leave a positive impact on our society. Your contributions are tax deductible and will enable the Fund to provide housing for a growing number of scholars.
Gifts of any size – big or small, matter. Thank you!